Mohan Baidhya- led CPN- RM splits, Thapa became Supremo.

badal ccKathmandu, 14 May .

Mohan Baidhya- led CPN- Revolutionary Maoist formally split . Almost four years after severing ties with the Unified CPN- Maoist citing ideological degradation in the party, majority leaders of the CPN- Revolutionary Maoist return to their origion.

Holding a separate central committee meeting, party General Secretary Ram Bahadur Thapa formed a new party and decided to begin the unification process with l i k e – m id e d parties including the UCPN- Maoist.

A f t e r t h e Baidhya- led faction, including CP Gajurel and the Pari Thapa led group that joined the party later, refused to a c c e p t t h e 11- point bases prepared by Baidhya himself and postponed the central committee meeting called for today, Ram Bahadur Thapa had to hold the central c o m m i t t e e meeting and decide by majority vote of the central committee.