Xizang Academy of Social Sciences and NCFF to Cooperate

मूलखबर संवाददाता

Xizang (Tibet) Academy of Social Sciences and Nepal-China Friendship Forum and Teachers and Students from Kathmandu University Held a Meeting in Kathmandu

A delegation from the Xizang Academy of Social Sciences of Xizang Autonomous Region, PRC visited the Nepal-China Friendship Forum on December 9th to engage in academic interactions. In-depth discussions and exchanges on academic research in the areas of border trade, cross-border tourism, local government exchanges and cooperation, and China-Nepal cross-border railway construction were held between the delegation and Dr. Kalyan Sharma, Chairman of the Nepal-China Friendship Forum.

A great deal of agreement was reached. In order to strongly promote the two sides’ growing collaboration, Dr. Sharma declared he would fully utilize the China-Nepal Friendship Forum, and other friendly exchange and cooperation venues.

On December 10th the delegation discussed exchanges and cooperation in three fields: think tanks, media, and young students, with teachers and students from Kathmandu University. Both parties concurred that discussions between two sides are critical to fostering agreement and strengthening bilateral collaboration.

Media exchanges are also essential for fostering interpersonal relationships and understanding between people. Youth exchanges are also important for fostering mutual understanding and fortifying relations between China and Nepal.

Two sides identified the obstacles and constraints preventing deeper bilateral collaboration. The delegation promised to provide pertinent departments policy recommendations and work to expand the networks and platforms that can help resolve difficulties and foster mutual benefit.