Class 12 result published : 52% pass, Result is improving-Sharma

Mulkhabar correspondent
Kathmandu, 2 Aug

Almost half of the students who participated in the class 12 exam, which is considered an important gateway for higher education, have failed. 47.84 percent students have failed in class 12.

According to the results of the regular section announced by the National Examination Board on Friday, out of 390,868 students who participated, 233,847 (52.15 percent) passed and 187,21 (47.84 percent) failed.

But as compared to last year, the number of students who got grades and the number of students who got higher grades are gradually increasing, the overall results are improving, according to the chairman of the board, Mahashram Sharma.

According to the result, the number of students who obtained 3.61 to 4 GPA of upper level is 9 thousand 591. Most of the students got 2.81 to 3.20 GPA. According to the board, 78 thousand 75 students have achieved this GPA. The number of students who obtained 2.41 to 2.80 GPA is 61 thousand 36. There are 46 thousand 893 who got 3.21 to 3.60 GPA. The number of students with 2.1 to 2.40 GPA is 8,240 and the lowest level is 12 students with 1.61 to 2 GPA.

Out of 187 thousand 21 non-grading students, 127 thousand 707 students are non-grading up to two subjects. According to the board, the supplementary examination of students who are not grading in two subjects will be conducted on August 25 and 26. Sharma said that students who are absent up to two subjects can also join the supplementary examination.

There has been a modest improvement compared to the SEE published last June and the previous years’ Class 12 results. In SEE, 47.87 percent students passed and 52.13 percent students failed.

Last year, 50.91 percent of the 372,637 students who participated in the class 12 examination, i.e., 189,711 students received grades and were deemed eligible for admission to higher education. The previous year, 48.10 percent of students passed.